Our mission is to empower nurses.

As a nurse you have a lot going on. Most nurses have 3-4 jobs, take care of extended family, volunteer and still want to start a business.

But what you need is more time, money and experience.

That is where we come in to help you.


We save you literally hundreds of hours of time by doing the heavy lifting.

You get a team of experts behind you 110% of the way.


Spend your hard earned money wisely and don't give up equity before you even start! Medical directors, franchises, they want to get money quick and up front. And yes they offer a valuable service, but they are not worth an equity stake in your business. We are here to save you from equity partnerships! Not only is our investment a fraction of the cost of a franchise, the business is always 100% yours.


Don't give up equity because you don't have the experience you need today. Our team of professionals will guide you through the process and do the heavy lifting for you. You also have a team of IV Hydration business owners at your fingertips to ask questions, lean on until you find your confidence. It won't take long...

As independent practitioners, it can be challenging to create a sustainable business on your own. That's why NursePreneurs is here to provide you with the technology and expertise typically reserved for major chains, helping you establish and own a thriving business.


Our mission is to empower nurses.

As a nurse you have a lot going on. Most nurses have 3-4 jobs, take care of extended family, volunteer and still want to start a business.

But what you need is more time, money and experience.

That is where we come in to help you.


We save you literally hundreds of hours of time by doing the heavy lifting.

You get a team of experts behind you 110% of the way.


Spend your hard earned money wisely and don't give up equity before you even start! Medical directors, franchises, they want to get money quick and up front. And yes they offer a valuable service, but they are not worth an equity stake in your business. We are here to save you from equity partnerships! Not only is our investment a fraction of the cost of a franchise, the business is always 100% yours.


Don't give up equity because you don't have the experience you need today. Our team of professionals will guide you through the process and do the heavy lifting for you. You also have a team of IV Hydration business owners at your fingertips to ask questions, lean on until you find your confidence. It won't take long...

As independent practitioners, it can be challenging to create a sustainable business on your own. That's why NursePreneurs is here to provide you with the technology and expertise typically reserved for major chains, helping you establish and own a thriving business.

Our Team

Catie Harris


Michelle Castillo

Creative Director

Jen Carr

Account Manager

Elina Shulyak

Marketing Director

Kayse McGovern

Membership Director

Mary Johnson

Coaching Director

Our Team

Catie Harris


Michelle Castillo

Creative Director

Jen Carr

Account Manager

Elina Shulyak

Marketing Director

Kayse McGovern

Membership Director

Lenice Sudds

Coaching Director


Constance Ebanda

NewU Hydration

Tricia Rodrigues


Anne Baylis

Vivere Drip Therapy

Evan Luzzi

CreatIV Hydration

Faith Githui

Aces Plus IV Hydration

Traci Carnette

Skin Joy Aesthetics & Hydration


Constance Ebanda

NewU Hydration

Tricia Rodrigues


Anne Baylis

Vivere Drip Therapy

Evan Luzzi

CreatIV Hydration

Faith Githui

Aces Plus IV Hydration

Traci Carnette

Skin Joy Aesthetics & Hydration


From Our Dedicated Team

Building a successful IV Hydration business requires hard work, but you don't have to tackle it alone. With NursePreneurs, you gain access to the tools and support necessary to turn your dreams into reality. We will be there with you every step of the way as you progress towards your goals and beyond.

We firmly believe that healthcare providers have the potential to become exceptional entrepreneurs, but everyone benefits from a little assistance. NursePreneurs is here to be that support. We are excited to collaborate with you and witness your success.

—The NursePreneurs Team


From Our Dedicated Team

Building a successful IV Hydration business requires hard work, but you don't have to tackle it alone. With NursePreneurs, you gain access to the tools and support necessary to turn your dreams into reality. We will be there with you every step of the way as you progress towards your goals and beyond.

We firmly believe that healthcare providers have the potential to become exceptional entrepreneurs, but everyone benefits from a little assistance. NursePreneurs is here to be that support. We are excited to collaborate with you and witness your success.

—The NursePreneurs Team

Copyright © 2023 NursePreneurs. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2023 NursePreneurs. All rights reserved.